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Shirt Color Guide: Greens


Gildan 100% Cotton Pistachio is a very soft lighter green with a warm tone. This color works best with only medium and dark ink colors.


Gildan 100% Cotton Kiwi is more saturated than the Serene Green or Pistachio. However it is still a nice soft, mature, medium green. This shade also works best with medium to dark ink colors.


Gildan 100% Cotton Lime Green is a bright, vivid shade of light green. Closely resembling a “Neon Green”, this shirt color is sure to help your group stand out in a crowd!


Irish Green
Gildan 100% Cotton Irish Green is a bright, true green. A great medium-toned shade of green, it works well with almost any ink color!


Kelly Green
Gildan 100% Kelly Green is slightly darker than the Irish Green, and with a cooler tone. A very popular color with Girl Scout Troops, this tone also works with most ink colors!


Gildan 100% Cotton Jade is a shade of green that is almost blue. With its saturated turquoise tone, this color is rich and vibrant!


Forest Green
Gildan 100% Cotton Forest Green is a very saturated, dark shade of green. Sometimes referred to as “Hunter Green”, this color works best with medium or light colored inks. Dark inks like Navy or Black would not be visible when printed on this shirt color.

Forest-Green Forest

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