Summer camp is always a ton of fun and the highlight of any scout’s year. Couple that with traveling out of state to Colorado and you can’t really go wrong. Now combine that with new patrol t-shirts from ClassB so you and all your friends can kick it in style at camp and you’ve got a sure-fire recipe for the best summer ever!
“The boys were at summer camp in Colorado and all decided to wear their shirts one day. The got a lot of compliments throughout the day. They felt great that everyone liked their shirts. They had 7 of 9 boys in their patrol attend the camp and I can tell the shirts provide them a sense of pride in their patrol.”
The Trojan Patrol’s t-shirts were the envy of Summer Camp!
Want to be featured in our blog? E-mail photos of your group wearing your ClassB t-shirts, along with a quick paragraph about what your group has been up to lately to, and you may see your photos here in a future post!