Let's talkt-shirts!

4-H Week In Review – December 3rd, 2010
December 3, 2010

Hey 4-H’ers! We’re back with our 4-H Week in Review and we’ve found some great stories to share with you below.

Our latest Sweepstakes came to and end this week and two lucky 4-H Groups won coupons for Custom T-shirts at ClassB. Check out who won here – ClassB 4-H Sweepstakes Winners – and stay on the lookout for future promotions and contests!

As always, if you know of a newsworthy 4-H story, don’t be shy! Post it below in the comments section.

  • Venison donation is nothing new to Oklahoma hunters. Every year, over 40,000 lbs. of venison is donated, processed and distributed to the needy in Oklahoma alone. But a young lady in Sapulpa, Oklahoma is taking the entire concept a huge step forward.

    Chelsea Blevins has teamed with local butchers in her area to not only boost venison donation, but to bring in younger kids, teach them some skills and educate them on how and why donations are made.

    Chelsea and her Club held a processing workshop in October and are using every means possible to get the word out that they are taking donations for a “processing work party” which they are holding later this month. All processed meat will be going to charity.

    Super idea Chelsea! You guys and gals are doing a great thing – Bostian column: Local 4-H club helping worthy cause.

  • While we’re on the subject of food donations, we thought we’d let you know about a 4-H Club in Indiana who are making a difference in their community as well.

    The Crothersville Helping Hoosiers 4-H Club recently collected food items to donate to the Crothersville Clients Choice Food Pantry. But they didn’t just drop it all off! Instead, they stuck around for a while and received a guided tour of the facility and learned how the entire food donation and distribution process works. They also learned how those in the community can help.

    What a neat experience and what a great way to help their community! Way to go Helping Hoosiers! – Helping Hoosiers 4-H Helps Feed Community.

  • A great relationship has been created in New Jersey between 4-H and a group called ReRun, Inc., who run facilities to foster ex-racehorses.

    During tough economic times, more often than not, when racehorses end their careers, they find themselves on a trip to slaughter. But ReRun is able to take many of them and the 4-H members are offering their time, energy and TLC to help take care of the horses.

    Each day, a different 4-H member is in charge of one of the horses. As one of them say in the story linked below, it is like having a horse for a day. Very cool!

    This was a great idea and we’re glad that you are there to help these magnificent animals! Read the whole story here – ReRun and 4-H: A Great Combo for Recycled Thoroughbreds.

  • The Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Allen County 4-H Shooting Sports program are hosting a free, two-day hunter safety education class at the Allen County Extension Office. The program isn’t until February, but class size is limited and pre-registration is required. If you’re interested in this opportunity, check out this page as soon as you can – Free Hunter Safety Course.

    And this Sunday beginning at 9am, The Texas AgriLife Extension Service will host a free regional livestock clinic for South Plains youth and their families. If you’re in the Texas Tech area and you want to learn about the principles of livestock management, then check this one out – Texas AgriLife Extension offers youth livestock clinic.

Well, that’s it for this week everybody. We know there are some stories and announcements that we missed, so if you have a story or news event you’d like to share, just leave it in a comment below.

Now It’s Your Turn! Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you next week!

Scouting Week In Review – December 3rd, 2010
December 3, 2010

Hello Scouts! It’s time to get back to our weekly BSA news posts. Every week we choose a few interesting news stories from around the country and feature them below for all of our blog readers to see.

A lot of times some great news stories will fall through the cracks and not be seen by anyone other than those in the local community. We want to take those stories and place them on a national stage so more people can see what’s going on outside their communities and learn together in the spirit of Scouting.

If you know of a story that you think would be interesting for everyone, leave a comment below and let us all know about it!

  • Community Giving Back To Their Boy Scouts

    Last week, a devastating fire leveled the 10,000-square-foot Boy Scout Training Center at Camp Belzer in Lawrence, Indiana. Not much was left in the charred remains and many historical items were lost, including vintage uniforms, plaques and other items. Fortunately, there were a lot of valuable items and historic documents stored in the basement which were locked inside fireproof containers, so it was not a total loss.

    But here’s the silver lining: The outpouring of community support and donations has been incredible. You’ll have to read the story for all the details, but if everything goes according to plan, thanks to the support of the community, they should have everything rebuilt and ready for camp season in 2011.

    Sounds like a great community to be a part of! Offers of help pour in after fire at Boy Scout camp.

  • Boy Scout Buddies Achieve Eagle Scout Ranking Together

    They’ve been friends for years, experiencing the Scouting opportunity together as a team. And now they’re all Eagle Scouts.

    This week in Bryan/College Station, Texas, 8 young men (yes…EIGHT) from Troop 802 received the coveted Eagle Scout ranking in a single, emotion-filled night. What makes it even more special is that all of these young men have been working on the achievement together in the same Troop for years.

    The incredible, must-read article is written with quotes from the boys and their families! Here’s the whole story – Eight achieve rank of Eagle Scout.

  • Man Uses Boy Scout Training To Save 2 Year Old From Drowning

    In Phoenix, a General Contractor was awarded the Phoenix Police Medal of Lifesaving this week. And he attributes it to his intensive training with the Air Force and the Boy Scouts of America.

    If you ever wonder whether or not you’ll ever use your Boy Scout skills, all you have to do is ask Phillip Murphy. “You never expect the day is going to come when you’re going to use it,” Murphy said. But in June of this year, for Mr. Murphy, it did. And it saved the life of a 2 year old boy.

    Great job, Phillip. What a great example you’ve set for thousands of Scouts all over your area and throughout the United States! – Phoenix man honored for saving 2-year-old from drowning.

  • Don’t Forget Those Serving Our Nation This Holiday Season

    As the holiday season is upon us, it is easy to forget about those who aren’t able to be with their families this year because they are serving in the military. But the Boy Scouts from Peterson Elementary in Huntington Beach, along with the YMCA, have made it their goal to remember our heroes who will be away from their families this holiday season.

    They gathered donations and stockings from their local community and spent hours stuffing the stockings with goodies for the troops. They will be delivered through “Words of Comfort, Hope and Promise,”
    a military outreach program dedicated to supporting troops and their families.

    This is a great example of Scouts thinking about, and caring for others. – Youngsters collect Christmas cheer for troops.

  • In Remembrance: Ira Reynolds

    This week marked the passing of one of the greatest Boy Scouts in the history of the organization. Ira Reynolds, who joined the Boy Scouts all the way back in 1914 was laid to rest Thursday. He was 108 years old.

    Mr. Reynolds served the boy scouts for 95 years and dedicated himself to his local community, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, for 83 years. He founded Camp Tuscarora in Windsor, and was our nations oldest Boy Scout.

    Ira Reynolds was known as an humble man and a hero to many. – Nation’s oldest Scout laid to rest in Susquehanna.

Well, that’s it for this week, everybody. As usual, we encourage everyone to leave a comment below with your thoughts. Or, if there is a story we missed, you can let us know too.

Tell all your Scouting buddies about us and we’ll see you next week!

Now it’s your turn
Leave a comment below with your Scouting news and stories…

ClassB Announces 4-H T-shirt Sweepstakes Winners
December 1, 2010

Our 4-H T-shirt Sweepstakes has come to close and it’s time to announce the winners!

There were two winners in the sweepstakes. The grand prize winner, chosen randomly, will receive a $400 coupon code that can be used for an order of custom t-shirts from ClassB.com/4-h. The second prize winner is the group who gathered the most responses on our Facebook discussion page, and will receive a $50 coupon.

We gathered some inspiring and creative ideas from many of you and we’d like to thank you all for your participation in the sweepstakes.

Congratulations To Our Winners:

The grand prize ($400 coupon) goes to the Triangle 4-H Mariposa County California 4-H Club.

Second prize, the $50 coupon, goes to the Krazz-ee Kritters 4-H Club of Ross County, Ohio.

Congratulations to the winners! Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more future contests and promotions! And while you’re there, leave a comment on our wall and let us know how your group is doing! We’re always excited to hear about it.

Teaching Kids and Teens About Volunteering – Part 2: Introducing Them To Volunteer Work
November 30, 2010

We all know that kids and teens have minds of their own. And as they get older, their social lives become more important to them as well. That’s why the earlier you can get a child interested in volunteering, the easier it will be to succeed.

For some children, the idea of helping other people just seems to come naturally, but for others, they will need a little help to truly understand the concept. The main thing to remember is that we are dealing with kids here, not adults, so patience is key. Patience will allow them a little “space” to make decisions on their own and will also keep your stress levels at a minimum.

Take it at a nice and easy pace and, most importantly, don’t become discouraged if it takes longer than you expect. Some kids will just take more time than others, but with positive encouragement, most will begin to understand.


Step 1: Set A Good Example

One of the best ways to introduce a child to volunteering and get them truly interested, is to let them see you doing it first. Seeing a parent or mentor volunteering will generate much more interest and will allow the child to realize the value in volunteering much more easily.
A recent study from World Volunteer Web found that a youth who has a parent (or mentor) who volunteers is nearly three times more likely to volunteer on a regular basis than a child who does not have the example to follow. It is also important that they see the benefits that you are getting from your volunteering efforts, both physical and emotional. Being children, simply seeing that they can get something out of it will naturally awaken their interest.

Step 2: Take Them On A Test Drive

Once your child senses your enthusiasm for volunteering, you can think about letting them join you in the volunteer work that you are already doing, if appropriate. Even better, make it a full family activity that you can all do together. This is the all-important first step to get them involved and build a little excitement about volunteering. After just a few times, their enthusiasm will most likely begin to grow and the momentum it will take for them to get out there on their own will begin to show itself.
Once they begin understanding the concepts involved in volunteering, find out what they like or what they are interested in, and find a volunteering opportunity that fits in well with the child’s interests. Finding something they can get excited and passionate about is the easiest way to get them truly committed. Then, find the right time and simply introduce the idea of trying out that volunteering activity. Depending on the child, they may or may not want to try it on their own at this point. If not, offer to do it together with them. You will be helping them build confidence in their abilities and it will also provide an excellent bonding activity for both of you!

Step 3: Continuous Support And Reinforcement

This is crucial and is necessary from now on. As your child gains experience and confidence in their volunteering, make sure to give them continuous support and reinforce the fact that they are helping other people who are in need. Try and get them to see their efforts from the perspective of the people they are helping. Let them know that they should feel good about what they are doing and teach them how to see and understand how their work is helping others.
Try to make your child’s volunteering a topic of common positive conversation. The more they talk about it, the more the thrill and satisfaction will reinforce their behavior.

Step 4: Make Sacrifices For Your Child’s Future

If you remember in Part 1 of this series, we discussed the many benefits that kids and teens who volunteer have over those who don’t. These benefits are important for you to remember because there will be times when you will have to make sacrifices to keep your child involved. Even if it is something as small as taking a few minutes to drive them somewhere, or stop at the store to get them something they need for their volunteering, you will have to do these things in order for them to experience the benefits.
It’s not just physical things either. Depending on your child’s volunteer activity, they may be opened up to a whole new world that they never knew existed. It is important to not only talk with them about their experiences, but to ask plenty of questions as well.
They’re learning life lessons, and you want to make sure that they fully understand it all.
Remember that when your child is volunteering, you will need to do your part to help them along, every step of the way. With a little support and encouragement, and maybe a bit of an initial nudge, your children can quickly become impassioned and excited about volunteering. And they will learn that they are not only helping others, but they are helping themselves as well.
The next part of this series will discuss the different types of places where children should, and shouldn’t, volunteer. Stay tuned!
Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below. We’d like to hear your experiences!

4-H Grants and Scholarships – November 29th, 2010
November 29, 2010

Hey there 4-H’ers! How was your Thanksgiving holiday? Have you all had enough turkey and dressing to last for another year?

All kidding aside, we hope you’re all doing great after a few well-deserved days off!

It’s always tough to get back to work after a holiday, but it’s time to get those thinking caps back on, get busy and start submitting those applications again. We discuss a few below that may be of interest to you.

Good luck to everyone!


University of California’s Healthy Living Grant Program

As you all know, 4-H loves to promote healthy living to our nation’s youth and their families. The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program is offering mini-grants for those who wish to help support the healthy living movement with their own healthy living project. California 4-H clubs, units and groups may apply for funding (financial support may be requested for amounts up to $1,000). The proposal is to be developed and submitted by 4-H youth ages 14-19, partnering with 4-H adult volunteers or staff. Members age 5 and up can be group members.. There are several categories of project you can choose from, all a great way to give back to those in your community. You can learn more about the grant and get all the details here – U.C. 4-H Youth Development Program.  

University of California 4-H Scholarships for Higher Education

Since we’re on the subject of California, it seems like a good time to feature the University of California’s Scholarship for Higher Education Program. Through donor funding, the University is offering scholarships to eligible 4-H students across the entire state of California. If you were enrolled in the California 4-H Youth Development Program at the time of your high school graduation, then you are a serious contender for one of these scholarships! To check out all of the scholarship application categories, click here – U.C. 4-H Scholarship Categories.  

Multiple Tennessee College Scholarship Programs

If you’re a 4-H’er in Tennessee, then there are plenty of scholarships available to you. The deadlines for applying for these scholarships is still far in the future, but it’s always good to get a head start or to shore up any loose ends which may be required for being awarded the scholarship. Tennessee offers scholarships ranging from Agriculture to Technology and everything in between, and they are open to all Tennessee 4-H members regardless of previous awards won. These are all annual and the value of each scholarship which is funded by an endowment will be determined annually according to the availability of funds. Take a look at this page for a list of current available scholarships – Tennessee 4-H College Scholarship Programs.  

Champions For Healthy Kids Grant

Here’s another super way you guys and gals can help out the youth in your community. It will promote health and wellness to everyone in your community and will promote your 4-H program as well, possibly leading to future growth. This national grant awards 50 grants of $10,000 each every year to groups that develop creative and effective ways to help youth in the community adopt a balanced diet and physically active lifestyle. This is a big one, funded by General Mills, the American Dietetic Association and the President’s Council on Physical Fitness. So if you want to promote health in your community, have a great plan of action and you’re ready to make a difference, then this is just what you’ve been looking for. Find out more about how to apply on the General Mills website here – General Mills Champions for Healthy Kids.


Remember there are literally thousands of scholarship and grant opportunities for 4-H students all over the country and right there in your local area. If you can’t find something up your alley, simply contact your college of choice’s financial aid office or your high school counselor and they will be able to help you find something to fit your needs and financial status. That’s it for this week. Don’t let the holidays slow down your grant and scholarship search, you may miss out on a great opportunity! Make sure to check back next week for another list of exciting and educational grant and scholarship opportunities. If you know of an opportunity that we haven’t featured here, please tell us about it in the comment field below!

Happy Thanksgiving 4-H’ers!
November 24, 2010

ClassB would like to take a moment and wish all of our 4-H’ers out there a very happy and safe Thanksgiving. We’re grateful for you, our customers and blog readers, for spending your time with us and being a part of the ClassB family.

It’s always great to remember the things that you appreciate, but on Thursday especially, really sit back and reflect on what it is that you are truly thankful for. If it’s a person, make sure that you do whatever you can to contact them and let them know that you are grateful for them and the difference they make in your life.

Be safe this weekend, and remember – “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” – W.J. Cameron

Our offices will be closed Thursday through Sunday, so we’re going to miss this week’s news post. Rest assured, however, that we’ll be back in full swing next week. See you then.

Happy Thanksgiving! ClassB

Happy Thanksgiving From ClassB!
November 24, 2010

Hey Scouts! We wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very safe and happy Thanksgiving.

As you gather with your family and feast on that delicious turkey and stuffing, you should also remember what Thanksgiving Day is all about.

It is meant to be a day of giving thanks to all the people who help make your life better and easier. People like your parents and family, your Scout buddies and Scout Leaders, your church group and your teachers. Take a minute for each of them on Thursday and simply tell them, “Thank You.”

You should also be thankful for all of the things that you have. It’s easy to forget that not everyone can have a big turkey dinner, or a bicycle or a computer to browse the Internet on.

So have a great day and enjoy being with your family, but remember what Thanksgiving is for and really give thanks for all the things you have.

We won’t be publishing a news post this week, but we’ll be back next week with more awesome stories in the world of Scouting!

Happy Thanksgiving! ClassB

ClassB Wishes You A Happy And Safe Thanksgiving
November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Day is here.

For many, this day is about a turkey feast, football and relaxing with family and friends. But let’s not forget what this day really means. It is about reflecting on our lives and giving our thanks to those who help us, those who love us and those who give us that little push when we need it most.

For ClassB, those people are you, our dedicated and loyal customers. We are thankful to have you in our ClassB Family, and wish all of you a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day is always a great opportunity to instill thanksgiving into the hearts of our children. In trying times, our children give us hope. Let’s give back to them today and teach them the joys and virtues of thanksgiving.
“How wonderful it would be if we could help our children and grandchildren to learn thanksgiving at an early age. Thanksgiving opens the doors. It changes a child’s personality … thankful children want to give, they radiate happiness, they draw people.” – Sir John Templeton
Our offices will be closed Thursday – Sunday, but our website is always open! Feel free to design and order any items you need and one of our Customer Service Representatives will get back to you on Monday to discuss your order.

And as always, feel free to leave a comment below. Let us know what you are thankful for this year!

ClassB Sponsors BSA Centennial Camporee
November 23, 2010

Last weekend, the Gulf Ridge and West Central Florida Councils held their Centennial Camporee at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. This was the largest-ever gathering of Scouts in the West Central Florida area. Thousands of Scouts, from Tigers to Venturers, crossed paths at the Fairgrounds for an exciting, action packed weekend of Scouting, Camping, Learning and a whole lot of fun.

As a proud sponsor of the Camporee, ClassB attended the event on Saturday and had the opportunity to setup a display booth and showcase our impressive display of custom patrol t-shirts, patches and flags.

Representing ClassB at our booth were several members of our customer service team, and a few other employees from our screenprinting and marketing departments. What a great time we had! The weather was beautiful and it’s always so nice to be able to relax and socialize with Scouts and Scout Leaders from different locations across the area.  
We were also proud to see hundreds of t-shirts from all over Florida that were designed and printed by our team at ClassB.

But perhaps the biggest hit of all were the 1300 wooden nickel spinner toys we handed out to the Scouts – which ended up to be one of the most sought after items at the Camporee! Consisting of a wooden nickel and a piece of string, you can make the spinner do all sorts of different things and make some pretty interesting noises too.

Before we handed them out, we contacted Groundspeak for permission to imprint the Geocaching, “Cache In, Trash Out,” logo on the nickel as our way to commemorate the “100 Years of Scouting” theme and tie together the old-school spinner toy with the modern activity of geocaching. Not surprisingly, it wasn’t just the kids that loved them, the adults did as well.

Our friends at Leave No Trace were also at the Camporee. They too had a display which was visited by hundreds of Scouts, and they held two workshops that taught dozens of Scouts about minimizing their impact on the outdoors. The Leave No Trace team wrote about their experience in their blog here – Leave No Trace at the West Central Florida and Gulf Ridge Councils Centennial Camporee.  
The Centennial Camporee was a great success, and a great time was had by everyone involved. We only wish that it wasn’t going to be another 100 years (and a bicentennial celebration) before we get a chance to do it all again!

4-H Week In Review – November 18th, 2010
November 19, 2010

Hey there 4-H’ers! It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just a week away. It seems like just yesterday we were writing about 4-H summer camps! Oh how time flies.

Anyhow, this week we’re bringing you some great stories from Southern California all the way up to the “North Pole.”  Keep reading and you’ll see what I mean.

As always, if you know of a newsworthy 4-H story, don’t be shy! Post it below in the comments section.

  • The Nash County 4H Exchange Club of North Carolina is hosting a Flapjack Fundraiser this weekend in Rocky Mount, N.C. Tickets cost $7 and breakfast will include a short stack of pancakes, sausage, milk, juice and coffee. The proceeds will go to help the group host a 4-H Club from another state.

    But here’s the golden nugget of the story; the Apple Gold Group, owners of the Applebees chain of restaurants, is striving to be a leader in local charitable fundraising. If you need help with your fundraising, perhaps they can help! For more information, visit AGGrestaurants.com.

    Here’s the full story about the fundraiser – Applebee’s and Nash County 4H Exchange Club to Host Flapjack Fundraiser.

  • Do you love horses? Well, this 4-H Group Supervisor from Ohio sure does. So much in fact, that when she took her 4-H Group to a local nursing home to visit the seniors, she brought along Domino, her 250 lb. miniature horse.

    At first people can be a little nervous, but this little horse’s heart is a lot bigger than he is. When Domino walks right up and puts his head in their laps, he is forever thereafter met with open arms.

    What a cool experience and what a great way to help the seniors in the community! Read the whole story here – On the Mark: Little Horse Delivers Love.

  • Our volunteer spotlight of the week shines on Nancy Graff, a 4-H Volunteer who does work with 4-H Groups at North Pole Middle and Elementary Schools. No, they’re not at the actual North Pole, but pretty far up north – Fairbanks, Alaska, to be specific.

    Nancy has done so much with the clubs over the years and has literally watched 4-H in the Fairbanks area explode with energy and enthusiastic kids, and she has just won the 4-H national Salute to Excellence volunteer award. The second time someone from “the North Pole” has one the award.

    Keep up the awesome work, Nancy! You can read the whole story here – North Pole 4-H Volunteer Wins National Award.

  • Has your 4-H Group started using GIS/GPS Technology yet? If not, you’re missing out on a really cool experience. There are a ton of different ways people can use the technology to help their community, help their organization or just to have a little fun.

    This 15 year old young man in Iowa has certainly realized this – and he’s running with it. Over the last few months, he has used the power of GIS/GPS to do many things to help out his community. From helping local farmers with manure runoff issues, to mapping local trails and bike paths, he has been quite busy. And it landed him a spot on the national 4-H website too! Great going, David.

    Read the entire story here – Mapping a Better Community.

Well, that’s it for this week everybody. We know there are some stories we missed, so if you have a story or news event you’d like to share, just leave it in a comment below.

Now It’s Your Turn! Leave a comment below and let us know what you think!

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you next week!

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