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The Paper Trail: Todays Paper is Tomorrows Insulation

Sarah making boxes for employee work stations. Notice the recycled paper boxes!

Sarah making boxes for employee work stations. Notice the recycled paper boxes!

Going green can sometimes be easier than you think. We have taken small steps that have made a  huge impact, not only within our company, but also in our community.
Almost every item used within ClassB is reused, reduced or recycled. One of those items is paper. Every piece is recycled and where it takes its final resting place is very interesting.
The coolest part about the paper recycling is that the school we donate it to makes money because of it! Makes money? Yes, MONEY! The process goes down like this:
  • We save up all the paper that would normally be thrown in the garbage. This includes magazines, catalogs and phone books.
  • Once we have a good amount, we take it to West Zephyrhills Elementary School where its placed in Green Fiber’s dumpster on their campus.
  • Green Fiber then picks up the paper at no charge and gives credit to the school for it.
  • Green Fiber takes all the paper to one of their processing plants and processes it into insulation for homes and businesses.
Everyone at ClassB is so excited about this new way we are recycling paper. Everyone is doing their part to help. All employees have a recycle box at their work station. This new process will allow us to never have to place another piece of paper in the garbage again.


Green Fiber Is a company that takes waste paper and recycles it into insulation for homes & businesses across the country. Considering the U.S. being one of the largest paper consumers in the world, it’s comforting to that know in the end it will not be in a landfill.

One ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees, saves 3.3 cubic yards of landfill, and saves 4,000 kW of energy. That is a lot of space and energy saved.
The insulation that Green Fiber produces from the recycled paper is environmentally friendly, safe, and energy efficient. Get more information from Green Fiber’s website at www.greenfiber.com.
Written by Charlotte Suter
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